Friday, February 27, 2009

Project 3: Chop and Transpose

The chop tool can take a single note and break it up into a bunch of different pre-set patterns. Try this:
1. Select a generator that will produce a sustained pitch (not a drum) and drop it into the step sequencer.
2. Open the piano roll for that instrument (I used the slayer. Go to channels, add one, slayer) and enter in a long note.
3. In the upper left hand corner of the piano roll window, there is a small icon that looks like a piano keyboard. Select it and from the drop down menu select tools, then chop.
4. Viola! Your note has been chopped into segments. Click on the check mark to accept the changes to your note and give it a listen.
5. So you're not impressed. Fine. Go to the piano roll window again and repeat step 3 (or use the keyboard shortcut Alt u) and select a different pattern from the pattern folder. There are hundreds to choose from. From this window you can also dial the time mul controller to change the population of notes in your window.

The same pattern played over and over agian can cause brain damage if you're not careful. Beware of monotony. :-) To add some variation, transpose your pattern like this:
1. In the step sequencer, select the channel with the loop you wish to transpose, and copy it (Right click the channel name, Edit, Copy).
2. Select an empty pattern in the step sequencer, and edit, paste.
3. Now you have the exact same musical pattern in two separate step sequencer patterns.
4. Open the piano roll in one of them, and from the keyboard icon, choose edit, transpose (up or down- doesn't matter) or use the keyboard shortcut- shift, arrow keys.

Your assignment is to create a loop that utilizes the chop tool and the transpose function. form is up to you, but it must be organized in some way- be sure to mention the form in your post.
You will be assessed on your:
1. Use of the chop tool
2. Use of the transpose function
3. Use of drums and bass
4. Descriptive post (see sample post below).

Here's my example and sample post:

I started out with my favorite drum sounds from the RealDrumKits tab in the browser and wrote an up tempo rock beat. Then I added the slayer plug in and cranked up the distortion (double coil pickup setting too) . The chop tool gave me this pattern (trance 6) and I went with it. I added some effect (chorus on the slayer) and that gave me the main riff.
I used the chop tool again on a bass sound (also in the slayer plug in), and found that the two rhythms fit together nicely.

I used the transpose function to change the pitch of the bass and guitar sounds to create an 8 measure pattern, and then layered a melody on top of that pattern with a piano sound (I'm not sure if I really like the piano sound, but I do like the melody).

The for has a 2 measure introduction followed by a statement of the transposed 8 measure sequence in the bass, drums and guitar. That section repeats, but on the repeat, the piano comes in. Then there's an interlude where I used the chop tool again on one note (F), but I wasn't totally happy with the pattern it gave me, so I edited it a little in the piano roll and made the last two hits long. The song ends with a fade out on the original chop pattern.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Project 2: Bass Lines

So, you have successfully composed your first drum loop. Time for project 2.

Your next assignment is to make a second post to your blog. This one has to be a bass line to go with a new drum loop. This time however, you don't have to use the step sequencer to write your loop. FL Studio comes with many complete drum loops that you can link together to make a new song. Here's how you do it:

Open a new FL Studio file and in the top menu, go to Channels-Add one-FPC.

In the FPC Window, choose a drum style in the empty box in the top right corner of the window. I used several of the breakbeat loops for the sample below. Notice that the pattern enters directly into the step sequencer? Click play to hear your pattern in the step sequencer.

If you like it, select a blank pattern in the step sequencer and get another loop from the FPC window. I used a total of three different loops and two fills for the pattern below.

Once your drum loops and fills are together, arrange them in the step sequencer in A,B,C form.

Now turn your attention to the bass line.

You can use any bass sounds you like in the browser. You'll find a lot under Channel Presets- 3x OSC, and TS404. You can also use the Boo Bass (which I used in the sample below) To get the Boo Bass, go to the top menu and select Channels-add one-boo bass. Then select the channel and right click it. Select Piano Roll, and the piano roll window opens. You can put in notes for the Boo bass to play in the window. You can make them long, short, whatever you like.

Some hints on bass construction:
1. Listen to your favorite music and notice the bass part. It sounds obvious, but I'm amazed by the number of submissions I get that don't sound like bass lines. Start by doing some thoughtful listening.
2. Keep the bass in the low register (below C5). Bass lines should not be very high in pitch.
3. Don't make the bass play more than one note at a time. Not that it can't be done, it's just simpler with one note at a time.
4. Be aware of how the bass line will fit with your drum pattern. A good starting place is to consider having the bass double the rhythm of the kick drum. Here's an example:

100 Maximum points :
20 The sound chosen for the bass had an appropriate bass timbre. I used the BooBass for the sample below (Channels-Add One- BooBass)
10 The bass line was in the correct register.
10 The bass line complemented the drums.
10 The mix was balanced.
10 The project was of proper length.
20 Effort/ Creativity
20 Blog post was descriptive, positive and constructive comments on classmates blogs were issued.

Good luck!

P.S. If you don't like the Boo Bass or any of the other bass sounds available, go to channels and explore some of the plug ins that we have. The Simsynth and Sytrus are both excellent. The Slayer has a lot of bass sounds as well as guitar sounds too.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Project 1: Drum Loops

Your first assignment is to create three different drum loops in the step sequencer, and separate them with drum fills. In class, we discussed what constituted a "good" drum patter, and what constitutes a "good" drum fill. Keep your repeated patterns simple, and save the flashy/ busy stuff for the drum fills. The fills should not repeat in the playlist.

Use different sounds from the browser in your patterns and don't forget to use the graph editor, panning and volume controls for each sound in your final mix. Once you have rendered your file to MP3, upload it to your blog and write your post.

This is a sample description of what I'm looking for in your post:

I was inspired by the sounds of ZZ top, Justin Timberlake and Madonna. I have always been a fan of their music, and I guess it pours out of me easily. Anyway, I started with a straight four bass drum pattern with the snare on 2 and 4 and an eighth note pattern on the hi hat (al la "Legs" by ZZ Top). All of the sounds I used came right out of the FPC section of the browser. The A section morphed into something a little more syncopated in the B section where I used the ride cymbal instead of the hi hat and included two toms in the pattern. I was trying to make the B section strongly contrast to the simplicity of the A section by mixing up the rhythms with the toms. the ride cymbal has a darker color to it than the hi hat, so I figured it would contrast as well. Enjoy!

When you have finished your post, you need to go to the comments section of at least two other members of the class (all websites are on the chalkboard) and leave a comment. Click on the comments section of this post to see the sample comments I left about my piece.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Welcome to music tech 2009!

I'll be posting all of your assignments with instructions on how to do them, plus examples of what your finished projects should sound like here. Please note the list of links to your classmates blogs. You'll need to comment on at least two of your classmates projects after you have completed your own project and post.

Here's a little tip: Do your commenting and final edits of your post at home. That way, you can maximize the amount of time you spend actually working with FL studio in the lab at school.

your first project is coming soon!

I look forward to hearing your work!

Mr. Rabuse